This is me and my dear friend Ali at my reenacting group's weekend of festivities. On Friday night we had a gaming night, which is where the grey wool made its debut. On a side note, this was Ali's first event ever - we met through a mutual friend (Emily) and I promised her that I would take her to a ball. Doesn't she look fabulous? Ten times better than my first attempt!

The dress made a second appearance on Sunday, so I got some (blurry) shots of it. At least the sleeves look less rumpled in this one! The trim is based on an extant dress in the Smithsonian.

A (again, blurry) shot of the back, with the postillion. By this point, after two wearings, the postillion was badly in need of pressing. I'm not sure I'd make one like this again in wool, as it's just too drape-y. Taffeta would look much better. But, I am not complaining!
I got a lot of compliments on this one. I think I am most proud of this one out of any dress I've sewn - not because it's any better than any dress I've sewn, but because of the level of competence I showed. I was able to get it done swiftly, and with very little of the angst that I normally have. Most sewing projects involve at least three panic attacks; this one involved only one (when I cut a skirt panel without matching the plaid - easily fixable).
I am most proud of the way the bars of the windowpane line up. The skirt matches up perfectly horizontally; the back curve seam matches up as well as it can (since, well, it's curved); and the front matches up both horizontally and vertically. A new feat!
The next dress is made from the grey and red calico below; I ripped out the waist of my one good wash dress, so that will be redone to be a work dress (fine by me, it was getting a little ratty) and the new one will be a nicer day dress. I didn't intend for half my wardrobe to be grey and red, I'm just lucky I can pull it off!
I also have a couple knitting projects to do, which will probably come first. I need a break before the next dress! We'll start that one some time after Easter!